Closing words: If not tomorrow then the day after for sure, the storm recedes, the snow melts, the sky becomes clear, and the spring of Sunna in Lebanon is coming.
The defensive strategy will write itself by itself, and matters will change.
Hezbollah‘s weapon has a new name and a different mode of operation.
A hit like no other takes down a primary spine in Hezbollah.
This time, the Sayyid al-Shuhada complex will not fit the big event.
Two new words before the name of Hassan Nasrallah to become more than Secretary-General of Hezbollah.
Wafiq Safa’s targets are big.
Hezbollah presents one of its wings to solve a Lebanese dilemma.
Brave attempts by Jawad Hassan Nasrallah.
Hezbollah breaches the international solidarity against it and makes it pay a high price.
Non-white smoke in a Hezbollah-linked area.
A partisan weapon disrupts the path of an enemy plane.
The roles are switched this time, such that Hezbollah is the one threatening, not Israel.
Hezbollah‘s abilities, alongside security forces, are what will uncover the plot for a bombing operation that is beyond massive.
Hezbollah will not cover with its blankets the corruption of his foes, those who belong to it, or those who belong to others.
Hezbollah receives perfidy in a strike to one of its positions — maybe a religious one, I don’t know.
A stakeholder dares and intrudes into Hezbollah‘s political side.
In a striking manner, Hezbollah brings out its sports team and presents it to the public.
Foreign personal visits to Hassan Nasrallah will not remain secret, and one of the visits will be the whole story.
In the picture, a media person or political analyst who supports Hezbollah gets affected and confuses in the aftermath of an appearance.
A trade of non-security messages between Hassan Nasrallah and major Lebanese stakeholders.
We sleep to a Hassan Nasrallah whose whereabouts we do not know, and we awake to a Hassan Nasrallah above ground, among the people, and between people.
Michel Hayek’s predictions for 2023 paint a mixed picture for Lebanon. While he predicts challenges and obstacles in the areas of politics and economics, he also sees hope on the horizon.
Many people are taking his predictions seriously and are looking for ways to prepare for the challenges ahead.
Whether or not Hayek’s predictions come true, it is clear that Lebanon faces a number of significant challenges in the coming year.